In my dream this morning I was getting married to my husband. And we were driving around an unfamiliar town looking for a wedding seamstress because the wedding dress I decided to wear was very old and non-traditional. There were alterations I wanted to make to the dress and it was also in need of a special cleaning, as the dress had collected so much dust, dirt and had a few stains on it. It had been folded, wrinkled and stored away in a dry dark place for way too long.
God’s people there is work to do in preparing the way of the Lord for the Bride of Christ. There are many of you who are lost in the knowledge of God and are not prepared for the Lord’s return. Your thoughts (which are not His thoughts) and your ways (which are not His ways) have been corrupted by the conventional practices of this world’s system. Now is the time for change. Seek the Lord while there is little time and prepare the way for the Lord. It is time to make all crooked places straight and the rough places smooth. For when the Lord returns, He will be looking for a Bride (the Church) without blemishes or spots, imperfections or wrinkles.
Ephesians 5:27(NKJV) “That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”
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